Loretta is what many have called a Jack of all trades. Growing up she despised this term because she didn’t fell outstanding at any ONE thing in particular, but was in stead adequately skilled in many areas. Over the years however, she has grown to cherish this term as her career path has led her in many directions, each requiring a different skill set.

Loretta graduated with honors from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in International Studies specializing in cross-cultural studies and Frenc. In addition, spending a year in France as an exchange student, being multi-racial with a desire to promote unity in the midst of diversity, have all led her to pursue her dream of becoming the American ambassador to France.

Needless to say, she has not become the American ambassador to France, but has instead become an ambassador to the world on the importance of WELLNESS-Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual-not on behalf of United States, but as a citizen of the world. Her passion for overall health and wellness even inspired her to create her own skincare line, ALL OVER ME. She has presented and taught classes in over 100 countries around the world, and the list continues to grow! She has been a Cover Model, an Inspirational Speaker, a video game avatar (twice), live television host, photographer, videographer, web designer, content creator, wellness coach, fitness instructor and educator, commercial talent, social media manager and of course, the role that brings her the most joy-wife and mom.

So, today, she no longer despises the term Jack of all trades, as she now understands that without these skills she would never be able to accomplish her life vision of being a Happiness Hustler-someone who spreads joy where ever they go.

It also helped that she recently discovered the full saying and who it was in reference to. The phrase was originally coined in 1592 by Robert Greene in reference to one William Shakespeare and is as follows:

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”

There are many people that can help you enjoy a zumba class, but few can touch your soul like Loretta can. Her soul shines through in everything she does and you get fit as your soul gets renewed”  -Rene M.

Loretta has a desire to use her life and experiences to inspire others on their journey to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness. Whether through speaking engagements, events, radio, television, print, masterclasses, online, or even just a smile-her goal is to make a lasting impact on everyone she meets.

How to accomplish this?

Inspirational Speaker
International Presenter
Wellness Coach
Zumba® Education Specialist
On Air Talent
Content Creator
Certified Nutrition Coach
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Fitness Instructor

Make a difference

Real People. Real stories

Check out some of the stories people have from having an encounter, hiring or taking some of Loretta’s classes. Have a story to share about an encounter with Loretta? Please feel free to share in the contact form below!

Extremely talented and charismatic I could say, very focus and professional, always with a warm smile and a kind word for you, I been having to interact with her at the ZIN academy LA and the ZIN conventions in Orlando, where she is one of the presenters, and outside of that part in Facebook every time she share something and you mention her I am not kidding, she always reply to you! That creates a very close relationship in between us every day Zumba instructors or general audience with her. Telling people to be humble after you reach some success in your career is easy, but applying it the way she does it every day … that is been true to your words, and for people like her I have high respect and admiration. -Rocio N.

Rocio N.

Loretta Bates is a BEAUTIFUL SOUL INSIDE AND OUT!!! She is so talented, kind, loving, inspiring and a fabulous instructor and teacher!! If you EVER get to take a class from her consider yourself blessed!!

Jackie D.

EVERYTHING ABOUT HER! SHE EXUDES INSPIRATION, PASSION AND LOVE FOR EVERYTHING SHE DOES!! This amazing lady brings and gives from her heart NO MATTER what she faces!! She tells it like it is and THAT is how it should be .. she doesn’t just teach her class, she INSPIRES and MOTIVATES!! She brings people together !! Guarantee you will NEVER stop smiling if you are in her presence!!! Take ONE class with her and you will be forever hooked!! Love this lady with my heart.. she has changed my world!!!

Cindy S.


Miriam R.

Can I host Loretta for a Speaking Engagement?

Of Course!  Simply fill out the form below with your name, your email, your location and the details of your event and someone will contact you with details of hosting.

How can I take a class with Loretta?

Yes, Loretta has virtual and in person classes!

Anyone in the world can attend a virtual class with Loretta. For more details on virtual classes click HERE.

If you live in South Florida, or just happen to be in town, you can take a live class with Loretta!  More details on her in person classes HERE.

Loretta is coming to a city near you! Perhaps Loretta is coming near you for a masterclass! To see where she is heading next, be sure to check the upcoming events page HERE.

How can I do a Zumba® Instructor Training?

Loretta currently only does Zumba® Instructor trainings in South Florida and North Carolina. If you would like to attend a training with her to become a Zumba® Instructor, you can find them HERE.

Can I host Loretta for an Event?

Of course!  Interested in hosting Loretta for and event or masterclass? Simply fill out the contact form below with your name, location, email and details of the event, and someone will contact you with info on hosting.

Can I take a Nutrition Course with Loretta?

Of course!  Loretta has an online 6 month Nutrition course with weekly videos and homework. For more details click HERE.

Can you tell me about Loretta's family?

Yes, her family is the most important thing in the world to her! This is husband Morgan, Son Logan and daughter Kendall.




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Let’s Connect!

Want to host an event? Ask a question? Take a class? Submit a review? Simply fill out the contact form and I will be in contact with you shortly.

Become an instructor?

Interested in becoming a Zumba® Instructor with Loretta?




10 + 6 =

Let’s Connect!

Want to host an event? Ask a question? Take a class? Submit a review? Simply fill out the contact form and I will be in contact with you shortly.

Become an instructor?

Interested in becoming a Zumba® Instructor with Loretta?